Padlet is a platform that allows you to create an online board you can use to add information for any topic. First three boards and the membership is free. It is really easy to use You can also add images, links, videos and more. Padlet can be used to collaborative in collecting ideas. It would be really useful to use with your students. You can make a board about, for example, d tenses to teach them. Then they can freely add comments or give examples to the tenses. You can add some mistakes as well, telling your students to find the mistakes and rewrite them. It would be fun as well as productive.
For example, I chose Shelf to try out how it works. Then I added some columns which are the names of the tenses. Then I added posts to that columns as examples to the tenses. I changed some of the colors, for example, the negative sentences are green and the positive ones are purple. Then, I allowed comments and ratings on the posts and simply, saved it.
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